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Switching bank accounts has never been this easy

It's easy to move all your regular payments, payees and billers from your old financial institution across to your new account online. Before trying these instructions make sure you have downloaded the latest version of the Bank of Melbourne app.

Making your first deposit

You can deposit money directly into your new Bank of Melbourne bank account from another bank. Simply logon to your old bank account and transfer your money over using your new BSB and account number.

Finding your BSB and account number

1. Logon to the Bank of Melbourne app

2. Tap on your new account

3. Tap details

Import your payees and billers

You won't have to leave anything behind - you can automatically import all the payees and billers you had stored in your old bank into your new one in just a few simple steps. We'll also email you a list of your direct debits, people and organisations who you receive regular payments from.

1. Logon to the Bank of Melbourne app

2. Tap Services

3. Scroll down to My Accounts > Get active on your account

4. Tap Import payees and billers

5. Enter the name of your old financial institution and tap Next

6. Enter the details of your old bank account and tap Continue

7. Select the account/s you want to retrieve from and tap Continue

8. Tap Done

Switch your salary

You can use our pre-written emails to let your employer know your new account details so they can update your information and pay you directly into your new bank account.

1. Logon to the Bank of Melbourne app

2. Tap Services

3. Scroll down to My Accounts > Get active on your account

4. Tap Email details to employer

5. Tap the share icon

6. Select how you want to send the pre-written email message

7. Tap Done

Download the Bank of Melbourne App



More ways to pay

Set up Apple Pay, Samsung Pay™ or Google Pay™.

Get rewarded

Check out all the entertainment and shopping rewards you can access just for being a customer.

Activated your card yet?

Once activated, you can start making purchases, access rewards and more.

Read the Apple Pay Terms and Conditions (PDF 31KB) before making a decision and consider if it is right for you. To use Apple Pay you will need an eligible card and a compatible device with a supported operating system. See our Apple Pay FAQs for more information. Apple, the Apple logo, Apple Pay, Apple Watch and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.

Read the Google Pay Terms and Conditions (PDF 30KB) before making a decision and consider if it is right for you. Available for eligible cards. To use Google Pay you will need to use a compatible device with a supported operating system. See our Google Pay FAQs for more information.

Read the Samsung Pay Terms and Conditions (PDF 29KB) before making a decision and consider if it is right for you. To use Samsung Pay you will need to use a compatible device with a supported operating system. See our Samsung Pay FAQs for more information.

Internet connection may be needed to make purchases using Google Pay and normal mobile data charges apply.

Android, Google Pay and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc. 

Samsung and Samsung Pay are trademarks or registered trademarks of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Selected financial institutes include Commonwealth Bank, Westpac, St George, Bank of Melbourne, Bendigo Bank and ING.